HVAC System Diffuser Ventilasi Grille
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HVAC System Diffuser Ventilasi Grille

JUGE minangka salah sawijining produsen lan pemasok sing spesialisasine ing produksi gril ventilasi diffuser sistem HVAC ing China. Produk kita akeh digunakake ing peralatan ventilasi kayata supermarket, wilayah omah, pawon, udan, pabrik, pemadam kebakaran, kantor, rumah sakit, hotel, lan sapiturute. Sistem HVAC diffuser ventilasi grille duwe saham gedhe, welcome konsultasi lan pengadaan, lan kita bakal nyedhiyani sampeyan karo rega pabrik paling sarujuk!

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Deskripsi Produk

Produsen Cina HVAC sistem diffuser ac stopkontak langit-langit telur grid ventilasi grille plastik gaya ventilasi. Grille ventilasi diffuser sistem HVAC iki nduweni akeh fungsi kanggo wong, kayata nyedhiyakake oksigen sing dibutuhake kanggo ambegan kanggo wong ing njero bangunan, ngencerake polutan utawa ambu ora enak ing njero ruangan, mbusak polutan sing diasilake dening teknik proses njero ruangan lan nambah volume udara sing dibuwang, ngilangi panas sing berlebihan ing njero ruangan. bangunan kanggo ngurangi asor, lan liya-liyane.

spesifikasi produk HVAC Diffuser Ventilation Grille


Aluminium & logam & stainless & plastik

Jeneng merek



Pencet fitting & sekrup nang & sekrup njaba


Kothak, persegi dowo, bunder utawa adat


Nampa ukuran khusus


Anodized utawa powered-dilapisi


Putih & ireng utawa adat

Kepiye carane nggawe gril ventilasi penyegar AC merek JUGE?

JUGE HVAC air grille vents will undergo several processes, including raw material cutting, punching, stamping, welding, assembly, fixing, leveling, cleaning, painting, packaging, etc. And fully implement strict quality control management, from IQC incoming inspection, production control to finished product inspection, every process and step in the process follows strict and meticulous standards. JUGE ventilation grilles not only transmit air, but also provide us with care on how to create high-quality living conditions.

Hot Tags: HVAC System Diffuser Ventilation Grille, China, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik, Disesuaikan, Sampel Gratis, Murah, Adol Paling Anyar, Berkelas
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