Apa pancegahan kanggo pipa drainase fleksibel?


Flexible drainage pipes still need to be noted in actual installation. Generally, flexible drainage pipes are divided into two types of pipes: A-type and W-type. If the two types are used together, the effect is good, both in terms of construction quality and usage function. For drainage horizontal main pipes, A-type flexible drainage pipes should be used, while for drainage vertical pipes and drainage branch pipes, W-type flexible drainage pipes should be used. The mechanical performance of the A-type flexible drainage pipe flange gland connection is good, and the service life and function of the flexible drainage pipe are both good. Flexible drainage pipes, due to their high mechanical strength, can better withstand the impact force of incoming water from the upper layer. So, what are the precautions for pipa drainase fleksibel?

1. Sambungan mburi warata saka W-jinis pipe got wis syarat dhuwur ing kualitas pipo, ovality diameteripun njaba saka got pipo wesi Cast, kekandelan tembok lan sifat fisik ring karet. Amarga kondisi sesak banyu saka mburi warata miskin, saliyane kanggo strictly Ngontrol kualitas awak saka pipo lan fittings pipe, manungsa waé kudu mbayar kanggo pangayoman saka pipe lan pipe fittings kanggo mesthekake ovality lan flatness saka port. .

2. Instalasi lan konstruksi pipa saluran banyu W-shaped kudu ditindakake kanthi ketat miturut prosedur operasi. Nalika nginstal pipa lurus, saben antarmuka pipa kudu dipasang ing tembok beban bangunan kanthi clamp riser; Gantungan kudu dipasang ing saben antarmuka pipa horisontal. Ing jedhing ing ngendi peralatan sanitasi dikonsentrasi, yen jarak antarane rong antarmuka sing nyambungake peralatan sanitasi ing pipa cabang horisontal ora luwih saka 600mm, gantungan bisa dipasang ing tengah.

3. W-shaped drainage pipes and fittings are different from plastic products in that the geometric dimensions of the fittings are relatively large. When constructing reserved holes, it is necessary to verify whether the layout dimensions of the drawings and the actual installation dimensions are suitable, in order to prevent the reserved holes from being unsuitable and unable to carry out subsequent installation construction, resulting in secondary chiseling.

4. Kadhangkala bocor antarmuka dumadi nalika konstruksi. Kanggo ngindhari kedadean iki, kudu strictly tindakake specifications sak instalasi, mesthekake yen saben pipo got wesi dipasang ing panggonan. Kanggo pipa diameter gedhe, kondisi saben cincin karet antarmuka kudu dicenthang.

5. Aplikasi pipa saluran pembuangan wesi fleksibel umum ing macem-macem industri, nanging akeh wong sing ora ngerti carane nginstal collars ing fitting got wesi. Lan kita spesialis ing proses instalasi dering karet ing pipa got wesi cast: Instalasi dering karet strictly nderek proses instalasi diwenehake dening Produsèn. Sadurunge instalasi, soket lan spigot saka pipa got wesi kudu di resiki. Reresik soket kudu ditindakake kanthi nggunakake sikat lan kain sing resik kanggo ngresiki jero soket, utamane ing posisi sing dipasang cincin penyegel karet, lan ora ana residu kayata cat, lemah, pasir, lsp.

6. Ngresiki lan lubricate ring karet lan soket saka wesi cast pipe got, ngresiki pinggiran Gamelan saka soket, sijine ring karet menyang soket saka wesi cast pipe got kanggo mriksa pas lengkap, lan banjur nggunakake pelumas khusus . Ing aplikasi industri, sikut pipa got wesi, reducer, lan tee diwenehake karo dering karet mandeg T-shaped kaya sing dibutuhake.

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